Keep the commandments

August 30, 2010

Just keep the 10 Commandments?

Recently several of my senior neighbors and I were discussing religious differences. I commented whether Methodist, Catholic or Baptist, they all believe in the same basic beliefs: the Babylonian Mystery religious doctrines of “going to Heaven or Hell,” Sunday over Sabbath, Christmas, Easter. They agreed everybody should “just keep the 10 Commandments.”

Jesus did say we should keep the commandments, in spirit and in truth (Matthew 19:16-17). But neither Catholics or Protestants keep the commandments! They reject the plain truth of the Bible to keep their idolatrous traditions.

I asked my friends (who said we should “just keep the 10 Commandments”) whether they were ready to stop keeping Sunday and start keeping the Sabbath – to “remember the Sabbath to keep it holy.” Apparently the question caught them off guard as neither replied. How about you? Will you keep the commandments, so help you God, including the Fourth Commandment?

Dump toxic Obama!

August 16, 2010
Obama dogs America

Obama’s death isn’t the solution
To pray or not to pray for Obama?
Obama doesn’t deserve any respect!
President Usurper Obama
Obama’s failure

Savior or Saboteur? Obama in a Realistic Light
Treacherous Obama and DNC comrades
President Barack Obama sound good to you?
Joe Biden and Obama’s Birth Certificate

Sherrod Brown on Obama’s Birth Certificate

Senator Shelby questions Obama eligibility

Obama’s Identity Theft & Terrorism

Demand proof Obama’s a natural born citizen!

If Obama’s the Messiah…

Obama in the flesh

Emperor Obama

Obama’s African Coup in America

Shame on conservative cowards!

Off color inaugural prayer

BLACK DAY IN AMERICA: Obama Wins, America Loses

The real truth about David Pack and Ron Weinland

August 14, 2010

The real truth about David Pack and Ron Weinland

David Pack & the Restored Church of God

When David Pack said something to the effect that the Global Church of God was not for me, I asked him why he invited me then and he then acknowledged he only invited me along with the others because he felt they were good candidates for membership. In other words, he was being deceitful.

“The Real Truth” can’t handle the plain truth
Why Rhodesia is in Ruins
The Plain Truth About Ron Weinland

Ron Weinland is drunk on his delusions…
Ron Weinland is a FALSE PROPHET and illegitimately claims to be one of the Two Witnesses.

Born Again: It’s Far Greater Than Most Imagine!

August 12, 2010

1 Corinthians 2
9 But as it is written:

“ Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

10 But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.

Born Again: The Kingdom of God!
GOD IS REPRODUCING HIMSELF! That’s the glorious Good News that Jesus boldly proclaimed! The Gospel of the KINGDOM OF GOD announces the GOD KINGDOM: a Spirit-Born Kingdom of God-Beings! A Royal Family that we can enter (Rev. 3:21). A Divine Family that will administer God’s Government throughout the universe and eternity (Isa. 9:7; Dan. 7:18).
Born Again and Heaven and Hell
Yeshua said that which is born of the flesh is flesh (like we are now in this life), but that which is born of the Spirit IS SPIRIT. He also said you can’t even see or enter into that Kingdom of God unless you’re born again…
Sneak Preview of the Kingdom of God
If I may, as God is my Witness and Judge, when I was only 17 years young, God UNEXPECTEDLY gave me a VISION while I was in prayer. I was within that vision as a glorified Spirit-Being, whiter than glistening snow and like a brilliant white cloud with the sun shining on it, appearing smooth, dressed in a white robe – even my hair was that brilliant white – holding a Book in my hands and teaching two flesh and blood mortals who were sitting on the ground, in an outdoor setting like a park or meadow.)

Black on White Violence

August 11, 2010

Black on White Violence and Debunking Popular Myths of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King
It’s past time the plain truth set us free at last from the popular myths of Rosa Parks (her stunt was staged), “Dr.” Martin Luther King (their names pollute bridges and litter highways, etc.), and other forged heroes like terrorist Nelson Mandela and challenge their idolatry and demand apologies from those city councils (and politicians) who foisted such frauds upon us and insist they repeal such outrages.

Congressional Contempt for the Constitution

August 8, 2010

Congressman at Town Hall: ‘The Federal Government Can Do Most Anything in This Country’

The United States is in the terrible situation we are today, where the Constitution is trampled daily, because the voters permitted it to get this way with the steady erosion of our Constitutional rights. As Chuck Baldwin proves in many disturbing articles, both Democrats and Republicans are to blame.

It appears we are under a curse, our Republic sick and dying,  and the German-dominated United States of Europe will deal us the death blow before the King of the Jews, the King of Israel, comes and saves us from ourselves and our enemies and establishes the Kingdom of God.

Shirley Sherrod

July 22, 2010

Shirley Sherrod is a victim of NAACP

Shirley Sherrod wants to talk to President Obama

She still just doesn’t get it. Not only did she bring all this on herself by her racist comments about “his own kind,” now she refers to “people of color.” Should we again call blacks colored and wouldn’t that be condemned as racist? Furthermore, everybody is a person of color (yes, white is a color) unless you want to get technical since black is the absence of color!

Actually, the hypocrisy of the racist NAACP is what is under fire since they’ve created a hostile climate and hypersensitivity. I don’t care if Mrs. Sherrod refers to some person of white color being helped by one of “his own kind,” because blacks certainly aren’t one of “his kind.” Folks know this but are foolishly intimidated to deny our differences.

If Shirley Sherrod does meet with the president usurper, let her ask him about his Kenyan birth certificate.

Arch of Titus

July 20, 2010

I visited the Arch of Titus years ago and spat at it (general direction). Later I found out that Titus was actually reluctant to destroy Jerusalem but clearly it was God’s will.

No Israeli official should be in Rome during this time unless it is to make demands for the Temple treasures to be restored to Jerusalem where they belong.

Will the pope act like Belshazzar or Cyrus?

The Vatican Must Return the Temple Treasures

Furthermore, Am Israel Chai – the Nation and People of Israel lives – not because of the IDF but because of the tender mercies of God.

Among the Mysteries of the Menorah is this fact: “Studying the image on the arch, one can discern dragons or sea serpents adorning the steps of the pedestal—just the sort of pagan art that Jewish sages singled out as associated with idolatry. “If one finds vessels,” we are told in the Talmud, “upon which are the forms of a sun, or a moon, or a dragon, let him throw them into the Dead Sea.” Pillars decorated with dragons virtually identical to those on the menorah’s pedestal have been discovered in the Roman temple at Didyma in southern Turkey. It beggars belief that the Temple candelabrum would have incorporated such a fundamentally pagan aesthetic.”

No to women pastors!

July 17, 2010

God Doesn’t Ordain Women Preachers!
I just read an abominable article written by a proud and stubborn woman attempting to justify rebellious women doing what only God has ordained men to do: preach from the pulpit as ordained ministers.

Kingdom of God

July 10, 2010

If I may, as God is my Witness and Judge, when I was only 17 years young, God UNEXPECTEDLY gave me a VISION while I was in prayer. I was within that vision as a glorified Spirit-Being, whiter than glistening snow and like a brilliant white cloud with the sun shining on it, appearing smooth, dressed in a white robe – even my hair was that brilliant white – holding a Book in my hands and teaching two flesh and blood mortals who were sitting on the ground, in an outdoor setting like a park or meadow.)

Sneak Preview of the Kingdom of God